Thursday, June 16, 2005


The Daily Suckie - June 16th, 2005

Quickie. Suckie. Same difference. Shanoff can't write, but he has the readership. We aren't trained but can still pen some scathing editorials, yet don't have one single reader (and if we do, could you please show yourself and write some comments!?!?!). In all honesty, I think it's better to be anonymous and good, then 'famous' and downright asstastic. But that is what Dan Shanoff is, and this is where our differences start and end.

Now then, once again Shanoff submitted a Quickie (see link on left) with overused jokes, abhorrent journalism and hypocricy by the douche full.

Write from the get go, we have a problem:
Anyone know what Swindal's management style is like?
NO!!! But you're a frikking sportswriter - why the f*ck are you asking us? And honestly...Steinbrenner relinquishing control of the Yankees is so FAR down the road, that this bit of news is barely worth mentioning.

Hypocricy by the elephant dung-full
Shanoff writes this:
When one of the Big Four is playing for the title late on a Sunday, it's great. If none are in the hunt, it's a snoozefest that suddenly makes the NBA Finals look a lot more exciting (by the way...this joke is OLD!!! -- How old is it? As old as the Yankees! lolololololololololol!!!!)

And then, a paragraph later, writes this:
The solution seems simple: Expand the Big Four. Develop (and promote) young new stars.

So...the PGA concentrating on its 4 main stars is a marketing snafu, but the solution is just to bring in more stars??!?!? What kind of enema did Shanoff have when he wrote this? The best solution would be to concentrate on it's stars, while highlighting the complexity and fun of a game that a large part of the American demographic enjoys playing in some form or another (from daily tee-times to business meetings to chip n putt to minigolf to Golden Tee).

Wait a minute...
But everyone can agree that if the Pistons manage to tie the Finals 2-2 with a win at home tonight, the series would most definitely be on.

But didn't Shanoff say yesterday that the series IS on? So wait, is it on, or is it off? I'm not sure. Personally, I think that a series that is at 2-1 is definitely competitive, especially with the way the Pistons one game 3. But apparently, Shanoff is hedging his hyperbole from yesterday with some fence sitting (there's that rusty pole he likes so much) once again.

The trade idea that Shanoff has (Kobe to Clippers for Brand and Livingston) is actually a good, reasonable idea. I wonder who from ESPN he stole it from?

All-star snafu
Just wanted to point out: If fans could vote for Pujols as DH, they probably would...but guess what Shanoff? They can't. Only the AL gets a vote for DH. The NL doesn't have that position on its roster. Which is BS, but I think you should have known takes about 5 seconds to vote on

Enough with the Yanks Pitcher Joke!!!
MLB Duel of Day: Randy Johnson vs. Oliver Perez. Yankees get an up-close look at the young stud who may one day replace Big Unit as Yankee ace.

Yesterday he said that the Yankes needed to consider their future pitchers when they built the new yankees stadium. Today he says Perez will one day be their ace. Don't you have anything original to say?

I'm gonna sign off now, because this Quickie reeks like Shanoff's wife's coochie.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Rocke's final take on the Quickie this week. I'll see you on Monday.
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