Tuesday, June 21, 2005


The Daily Suckie - June 21st, 2005

In the words of the Urge...I'm just gonna "Jump Right In" Today...

Hey guess what?
All Jews are great at baseball! Did you know that? Look - Sean Green, Gabe Kapler, Mike Lieberthal, Kevin Youkilis, Brad Ausmus, Jason Marquis...and you can't forget the greats - Sandy Koufax and Hank Greenberg. This must mean that ALL Jews are good at baseball.

In essence, that is what Sha-na-na-off is saying about 18 year olds.

By pointing out 7 successful players who came into the game at the age of 18, he is forgetting about the myriad others who flamed out, ran into trouble with the law, or are now playing in the NBDL or in Europe. Sample size is important, and Shanoff is forgetting this fact in his 'scientific' analysis of the age-limit for the NBA draft.

Granted, I'm all for an age-limit, if only because I value the college game much more than the NBA and would love to see more talent in the NCAA's. But don't base your argument against the limit on such a ridiculously stupid reasoning. And I know you're against an age limit because you're also against an age limit when it comes to women...but hey, that's another story for another time. And I ain't talking about no WNBA!

Enough Already!!!
Prep Class of 2006 stud Greg Oden would have been this year's No. 1 overall pick, and it wouldn't have been a debate. Rising high school junior O.J. Mayo would be the No. 1 overall pick this year, next year, 2007 and last year, if he could have been eligible. Not ready?!
First of all Shanoff...have you seen either of these guys play in person? I highly doubt it. So who are you, a lame ass sports-writer, to say who would be the No. 1 pick?!?! Considering you probably don't even know how to take your thumb out of your ass, I'm definitely not going to take your opinion on who would be the No. 1 draft pick in the NBA.

Stupidest Idea...EVER!
(And if I was a small country, I'd hand out those citizenships like tourist brochures. "O.J. Mayo, sponsored by Micronesia!").
What? How lame is this? I am so angry I can't even address this any further. I'm shaking in anger. If Shanoff were here right now, he'd be screaming for help as I pulled his lower lip over his big ass head and gave him an atomic wedgie!

You're pushing me over the edge...
Ha! Who can't win 2 of 3 at home? That's no indicator.
In the playoffs, with the pressure on, winning 2/3 at home is an indicator of how good you are. They came back to Detroit down 2-0, with many assholes, including one Mr. Shankoff, counting them out, and they put together two impressive wins and would have won the 3rd if not for Robert "I am such a" Horry saving the Spurs.

or to crown yet another title for the most dominant NBA team since Jordan retired.
Ok...So you're saying the Lakers were not as dominating as the Spurs? And which retirement are you talking about? If you're talking about retiring from the Wizards...well that was only at the end of the 2003 season...that's like saying I'm the most dominating database entry person since Joe Schmo retired in 2005.

Damn I'm not even halfway through this Suckie...I hope you can all see why we want Shanoff fired...

Blatant idiocy
Second is the new first when it comes to the NBA draft?!?! I don't think so. And why doesn't Shannon mention that Bogut is impressing the bigwigs in Milwaukee by saying how much he'll do for the community (Thanks for the input, Rocke)? That's nearly important to a struggling franchise as how good he'll be on the court. Although, he better be good b/c the Bucks are bad!

Nonsequitor alert!
I'm a sneaker fanatic, so all this week during Page 2's Sneaker Week, I'm throwing in some extras.
Wow. Get this guy the Pullitzer! This is a piece of quality writing here. I think he is best writer in hole world. I like Dan Shanoff. He good.

One more thing...
Hello?!?! Chuck Taylors? How are they not the number one sneaker? Idiot.

Well, that's it for Today's Suckie. A special thanks and welcome to Big Shot Rob for yesterday's column. Obviously, our fight against the dark side has many allies...

Rocke is up tomorrow which I'm sure will be address another Quickie ripe for the roast-beef eating.
I posted a comment yesterday. How can I join your column? I have been thinking all of the exact things you guys have- I actually would have enjoyed if you ripped Shanoff's meaningless stat- 70% of ESPN readers think Robert Horry is a Hall of Famer.
Lately, I've found Shanoff and Skip Bayless to be the biggest idiots with their quickness to jump on bandwagons and worst of all their asinine prescriptions to problems where they attack athletes, coaches, officials, and whoever else involved. I hate these two men. Give me a trial column or something! My email is wbmckeown@wisc.edu; I would love to rip on these guys.
Hey Billy-
We appreciate the kind words, and are delighted to see other people who share the same vision and hatred of where sportswriting is going (especially with Shanoff and Bayless at the helm).

As of right now, we are kind of just feeling our way around this thing and trying to establish an identity. I think we are going to refrain from adding another full time person at this time, but we will be open to it in the future, especially if we expand readership.

What we are thinking of doing is allowing the option for guests to have their critiques posted if they are worthy. Obviously, if you have anything to add to what we have posted, you can put your two cents in with a comment. But, we encourage any of the readers here to submit their own critiques to our new email address: SWDemise@gmail.com. If we like it, we will post it (and give you credit of course). If you write enough good work and offer up diverse sources, then we would be more inclined to add you on to the team. So keep that in mind.

Anyway, I hope that is something of interest to you Billy. I liked what you had to say about Bayless. I couldn't agree more. Feel free to send us any more of that type of writing. Oh, and definately let us know if he responds to you.
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