Thursday, June 23, 2005


Get Your Voice Heard

As our readership swells to epic sizes(I think we are up to 4 people total, including us three contributors), I wanted to throw out an idea to those who do not have the pleasure of being able to post their venom to this site. This is from the comments page from a few days ago:

"As of right now, we are kind of just feeling our way around this thing and trying to establish an identity. I think we are going to refrain from adding another full time person at this time, but we will be open to it in the future, especially if we expand readership. What we are thinking of doing is allowing the option for guests to have their critiques posted if they are worthy. Obviously, if you have anything to add to what we have posted, you can put your two cents in with a comment. But, we encourage any of the readers here to submit their own critiques to our new email address: If we like it, we will post it (and give you credit of course). If you write enough good work and offer up diverse sources, then we would be more inclined to add you on to the team. So keep that in mind."

The TSD email address has just been added to the left side of the page, so if you want to let us know some of your thoughts on any article, give us ideas on what to write about, offer up praise and/or criticism, or keep us on top of the latest Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes gossip, feel free to shoot us an email. We will be happy to respond. Thanks everyone, and keep on truckin'.
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