Friday, July 08, 2005


A bit on yesterday's Quickie

If you see July 7th's Quickie ( you will come across the most lame-ass bashing of the NHL in recent memory. I just wanted to have a say on this.

1). The joke about hockey not being remembered by the general public is LAME and OLD. If it wasn't on the horizon, then you wouldn't be talking about it, remember?
2). The general consensus from the public, as far as I can tell from polls I have read ranges from not having an opinion yet to general excitement. Maybe you should pay attention to these polls instead of sniffing your own ass like a dog. Oh wait, you're not even as good as a dog. You're more like a maggot.
3). You don't need to take a shot at something that Jeremy Roenick DIDNT EVEN SAY. Get it right - read the entire interview. Take the time to be a journalist. That's why they are (unfortunately) paying you up there at
4). Gimmicks are coming. See the competition committee. See the open lottery for Crosby, see the reduced ticket prices and reduced salaries. The NHL is planning for the comeback.
5). If you would ask most NHL players right now, they would agree that the lockout sucked and they need to do some major ass-kissing to the fans to make it up to them. The players are excited to be back, excited to play with new, cheaper players, excited to win back the fans support and shoo away any apathy that may have crept in.

Mostly though, they should be excited to prove assholes like you wrong; hockey is one hell of a sport with more action and passion that most other sports combined. It is way more relevant than poker or dancing and will prove that to america with vigor this year. And then I can't wait for someone to take a skate and shove it up your ass Shanoff. Pessimism gets you nowhere in life.
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