Friday, July 01, 2005


The Daily Suckie - July 1st, 2005

Well, it's a new month, but the same old chance to castrate Shanoff for his ridiculous daily column entitled The Daily Quickie (see the link on the left as usze).

Like always, Shanoff tends to exaggerate some points and make others miniscule for the sake of his argument, ignoring the actual FACTS - something they teach you from day one in journalism school. Much like today:

No Stars? No Nash?
Let's get something straight. And no, I dont mean you Shanoff. It's too late for that buddy. I mean the fact that last season and off-season, Steve Nash was NOT considered a big grab by the Suns. Yes, he was a skilled player, but as of a year ago, NO one, not even the almight Dan Shanoff (yes, that is sarcasm for you folks at home) could have predicted that Nash would have the MVP season he ended up having. So please, dont say he was a huge pickup in the freeagent grab last season. And on that note - who knowS? Maybe Michael Redd or Ray Allen could be cut from the same mold as NAsh was last season. These are skilled players who could just make things go right for whatever team they join (especially Ray Ray and Lebron - that would be a nice combo).

Taking all the credit
What a surprise - Derrek Lee starts charging towards Pujols near the end of the Allstar voting, and Douchekeg allstar shanoff mentions that people should vote for them, and then takes the credit when it appears that Lee has surpassed Pujols in allstar voting at 1b. Gimme a had nothing to do with this you bongwater laden piece of crap. As Rocke predicted correctly yesterday, Shanoff once again attempts to massage his massive ego.

Tice is Right
Yes, Tice screwed up, and the fine is worth it. But he should not be fired, unlike you have said in your Quickie. If anything, that would punish his players and therefore fans more than scalping tickets did. In the NFL, you need to have a consistent coaching staff who can implement their style (see Eagles and Pats) for many years to be a contender. By firing Tice, you would throw the Vikings into even MORE turmoil this season. Bad idea Jackoff.

Like a new co-worker who invites you to his sick summer house in the Hamptons, ACC newbie Boston College might get the league tourney held at Fenway.

huh? Host what? Basketball? Football? You really think they'd play football on the hallowed grounds of Fenway? And who thinks this sentence he wrote makes any sense? Anyone? Bueller? No? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Well, like many people in this world, I'm gonna take it easy on this friday before a threeday weekend. yeah!
have a happy fourth and we'll be back on Tuesday, where we will surely find more and more holes in the writing of Dan Shanoff and many other horrific sportswriters.

Light some fireworks and drink some beers!
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